The Chukar Chasers Foundation is a dedicated group of chukar hunters giving back through hunter recruitment, community events, and conservation support. (Photo courtesy of Chukar Chasers Foundation)
The nefarious, red-legged, desert-dwelling chukar partridge of the American west has long been known to drive many a bird hunter completely crazy. These challenging upland birds are highly coveted by the brave brethren of bird hunters who battle extreme environments and punish their bodies to hunt them. From the dedicated drive by a few of these wing nuts, the Chukar Chasers Foundation was born.
The Chase Begins Damon Booth of Reno, Nevada grew up as a bird hunter and followed in the footsteps of his father. When high school hit, he moved on to other pursuits, but college life would land him back in bird country, after connecting with several other chukar hunters who were passionate about their upland lifestyle.
In 2015, Damon and several of his friends created Chukar Chasers . Originally founded as a concept, it soon evolved into a media platform for showcasing the allure of chukar hunting. “Everyone has their story, and this is ours,” said Booth. “We really just wanted to share our experiences and create exposure for upland hunting, specifically chukar hunting. We started by producing media content and videos on YouTube. We just hoped to reach other like-minded individuals that were looking to get started and get into their own successes.”
Laying the Foundation After setting the stage and growing awareness with their media outlets, the Chukar Chasers impact went to a new level after the group put on their first dinner in 2017. “We just wanted to bring everyone together and were shocked when we sold out with over 100 people in attendance,” Booth said. “We realized after one year of success we could have more of an impact with our funds—and having people more inclined to donate with tax incentives—so we formed the Chukar Chasers Foundation as a non-profit with a 501(c)(3) designation.” From there, the Chukar Chasers Foundation (CCF) has gone on to host and participate in a variety of annual events and fundraising activities and has become a positive influence to the upland hunting community.
The annual youth chukar hunt is a popular event for the Chukar Chasers Foundation. (Photo courtesy of Chukar Chasers Foundation) Booth summarizes the mission of CCF as youth-focused and a conservation collaborator. “The purpose of the Foundation is to expose youth to hunting with wild birds and bird dogs, with the hope they can run with it immediately or come back to it later in time. We work closely with our local wildlife agency and partnering organizations to instill life lessons and provide outdoor exposure for youth.”
Bird Hunting and Beyond Since its inception, the Chukar Chasers Foundation now boasts an array of events for its members to engage in with partnering organizations, youth groups, state agencies, and the general public. The annual youth chukar hunt has become a tradition and a strong partnership with the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) . CCF also hosts a yearly spring clay shoot with the Nevada Outdoors School , chapter dinners each spring, and participates in several guzzler and other habitat projects throughout the year.
The annual spring dinner is a chance to get together with other passionate chukar hunters to swap stories and share a common interest in upland bird hunting and gun dogs. (Photo courtesy of Chukar Chasers Foundation) With its roots in Reno, the Foundation has now grown to include a satellite chapter in Idaho. And unlike many other conservation organizations, CCF dinners are a little less of a formal, traditional banquet, and more of a party-for-a-cause type gathering, with all funds raised staying right inside the state they came from. This means that hunter’s hard-earned dollars are being spent in the area that matters most to them, whether it be for hunter education, habitat restoration, or other local contributions.
It’s not always their own boots on the ground that bring benefits to the masses. CCF recently gave Nevada Bighorns Unlimited $10,000 for bighorn sheep habitat restoration; a shared resource that also supports chukar populations. During the lockdown in 2020 and unable to host their annual youth chukar hunt, CCF and partnering brands gave several dozen youth upland gear packages to NDOW, who distributed them to youth who just completed their hunter safety course to help them get started with their hunting adventures.
The Chukar Chasers Foundation is proud to contribute to important habitat restoration projects that benefit chukar populations along with other wildlife species. (Photo courtesy of Chukar Chasers Foundation)
With a bright future ahead, Booth is proud with how far the Chukar Chasers Foundation has come. “We started so grassroots and it’s just crazy to see how far it’s grown organically,” he added. “We’ll continue to grow and do what we can to help out, give back, and assist when there’s an opportunity, especially with the next generation.”
Ready to help or get involved? There are several ways to support the Chukar Chasers Foundation. You can be added to their mailing list, become a member, join a chapter, make a donation, volunteer at an event , buy Chukar Chasers Foundation apparel, and follow Chukar Chasers and Chukar Chasers Foundation on social media.